During the last weeks, our factory has been in preparation to be able to renovate the ISO 9001:2015 certification, so that we can demonstrate the quality of our management systems and organization to provide our customers with the best customer service, quality products and meet customer’s expectations in the most efficient ways.
ISO 9001:2015 is a flexible framework that helps organizations to organize their processes in the most efficient manner possible. ISO does not dictate the organization’s objectives or how to reach them, on the other hand, it helps the company to align its efforts and create harmony among the departments and their activities.
Our factory received the ISO 9001:2000 in 2002, updated to ISO 9001:2008 in 2010 and maintained it until today. We will renew the certificate in the early future in order to comply with our customer quality requirements.
Quality magazine. (February 1st, 2019). What is ISO 9001:2015 and Why is it Important? www.qualitymag.com Accessed May 11th, 2021. https://www.qualitymag.com/articles/95235-what-is-iso-90012015-and-why-is-it-important